Monday, May 16, 2011

Gearing up for Sunny Days in Arizona

Hello my friends! I know that it has been a couple weeks since my last post, and for that I have no other excuse than the classic “I’ve been busy.” Cliche. I know. Jenn? Busy? Nah. But I guess that means I have more to write about, right? Between studying for my final nursing exams, attending a conference with my church (Harvest Bible Chapel), working, and saying my final “goodbye’s” to my friends in Chicago, I feel like I’ve hardly had time to breathe, let alone think through what I am going to blog about! Now things have finally settled down, and I’m settled back into my family’s farmtown in Iowa. As I alluded to in my first blog post, I’ve been gearing up for a lot of crazy and exciting things. Let me share them with you.
First thing is summer plans. So, let me set you straight, because the majority of you are probably confused as to what shenanigans I am up to this summer. My parents and brothers live in a small, Dutch community in Iowa, while I go to school in the big city of Chicago. Last summer, I worked at a Christian camp in New York, and had the best summer of my entire life. Going into my “last” summer (sigh) as a student, I decided to try for a ridiculous externship opportunity (side note: I don’t actually know what an externship is, but that’s what I guess nursing internships are called). I applied a lot of different places all across the country, and was honored to receive an externship position at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. 
Now, what is this all supposed to consist of? I’m not really sure. I do know that I will be working on the Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant recovery unit (blood disorders, cancer, etc..), about 3 times a week, 7 am - 7 pm. I will be working alongside a Mayo registered nurse, and assisting her with all of her duties. My goal throughout the summer is to become more confident in my health assessment skills, and get a better idea as to what kind of unit I would like to work on next year after I graduate. As far as my living situation, I will be living in the home of a couple who both work at Mayo. I will have my own bedroom/bathroom, and will be able to use all of the kitchen appliances. The house is about 4 miles away from my place of work, and was such an answer to prayer to find! I will be sure to post pictures of both the hospital and my home as soon as I can! Other than that, I’ve been gearing up to find strong enough suntan lotion, a visor for my car to protect it from the heat, and searching for the perfect pair of necessary sunglasses (:
With all of that background, I am asking all of you to please pray for this new adventure. Pray specifically and earnestly for safe travel for my friends and I (Audra, Stacy, & Brittany) in the little lumina. We will be leaving on Saturday, the 21st of May, and will hopefully be arriving into Phoenix on the 23rd. I am so thankful for these girls to travel as my companions! They will be helping me get settled, and leave about a week after my orientation starts (a nice vacation for them)! Secondly, I ask that you pray for me in this adjustment to lay my burdens at the feet of our Lord. While I know that I can “do anything for just a summer,” I am nervous to be moving to a new place where I don’t know anyone. I am also nervous to be starting in a new hospital, and measuring up to their expectations for this competitive opportunity. Thirdly, I ask for prayers for me to be intentional with my relationships, and sharing my faith boldly to both believers and unbelievers. “At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison--that I may speak it clear, which is how I ought to speak” (Colossians 4:3-4).So, with that being said, I once again am asking you all to pray with and for me, as well as my friends traveling along with me and the family I am leaving behind. 
Well, you are all now caught up to speed with as much as I know about my Arizona adventures! I’ll be sure to update you and tell stories as soon as possible. 
So, what else is new with me?
 #1... I’m officially a SENIOR in college (WHAT?!) and can’t believe how the time has flown.
#2...Tulip Festival (my favorite time of the year in Orange City) is this week! Gotta love the pig-in-the-blankets, klompen dancing, catching up with high school friends, funnel cakes, parades, and poffertjes! 
#3...I had the best time at Harvest University last week (the conference I attended with my church) and can’t wait to be reunited with the congregation in August to work with the High School Ministry and Worship team! 
#4 I have something new to add to the list of “Jenn’s being a grown-up!” My best friends and I just signed a lease for our own apartment for next year!! I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us next year. 
#5...CONGRATS to my little brother (who is now 6”3 and not so little) on making it to the Iowa State Track Meet! He will be racing in the 4x200 relay, and I wish that I could make it down to watch! Run like the wind, bullseye! (:
Now that you’re all caught up on me, I would love to hear from YOU. Email, blog post, telephone call, snail mail....all of those things are my favorite! 
Well, until next time, cheers! 


Liz said...

VANDERVEEEEEEENNN! I want to follow you but I don't see the button for following on your blog. How do I follow?!

P.S. Follow my blog too!!

Liz said...

Also, I love you.

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