Saturday, November 5, 2011

What does a blogger say when they've left the keyboard for 4 months?

Oops. Snap. Crackle. Pop. My bad. 

I think that suffices.

That being said, I'm back. Ready and rollin' to blog once again. 

 I could give you a long life update, but I feel like that would bore the vast majority of you. To target the 5% of you that don't know what's going on in the life of Jenn, let me catch you up to speed with the top 5 biggest updates:

Roadtrip home from Phoenix--Beautiful Utah

  •  I survived my summer placement in Arizona at the Mayo Clinic (see previous blogs for an idea of what I did there).I was seriously so blessed by the people of Harvest Bible Chapel North Phoenix who really took the initiative to welcome me into their family. 
  •  I finished out my summer working at a place near and dear to my heart, Camp Warwick. It's a Christian camp that I was a counselor at for the summer 2010 in Warwick, New York. Love the people that work there and the kids that come every week. Such a blessing. 
A 452 mile trip from IA to WI, but a nice 2.5 hours from Chicago!
  • My Dad got a new job! Therefore, we are smack-dab in the middle of a move from Alton, Iowa to Lomira, Wisconsin. This is a huge answer to prayer for our family. Moving away from all of our family and friends will be a huge adjustment for us, so continue to pray for us. The moving process should be done by Christmas. 
Roomies--Jenn, Candace, Ashley and Jill
  •  I moved into my very first apartment, and am living with 3 of my closest friends. Jill, Ashley, Candace and I have been friends since my sophomore year of college, and I'm blessed to be growing alongside of them as we live together this year.  
Jordan & Karin's Wedding!
My church family at Harvest Bible Chapel Palos
  •  I am in the midst of my senior year of nursing school! It seems that when I'm not doing homework, I'm studying. When I'm not studying, I am working one of my many odd jobs or serving at my church. And of course, every now and then I come up with some crazy antics to do with my friends. When I'm not doing those things, I might be sleeping. Might. 

Phew. I feel like that is an adequate catch up. All of that to say, these past few months have brought me to right here. To right now. I'm exhausted. Worn out. Too busy. I've rolled my windows up, strapped on my seat-belt, and peeled out into Jenn-Mode, running over one thing at a time. And at the end of some feels like I'm out of gas and that my car took a massive beating. 

But, the beautiful thing about my life in all of this craziness, is that my Lord meets me in the midst of my brokenness. 

He meets me in my weakness, and welcomes me into His presence to lean on Him for strength. Without even realizing it, my anxious heart is molded into a heart desiring the things of the Lord. 

I rest in Him.

And I am content. 

In the midst of all of my craziness and uncertainty about my future (after all, being a SENIOR in COLLEGE is a little frightening), I have a peace that only the Lord provides. He is faithful, from generation to generation. He has never left my side. 

The past few weeks I have been working on learning a Natalie Grant song, "Your Great Name" for my church. This week I was encouraged and challenged to really meditate on the words of this song. Once again, the Lord meets me in my weakness, and draws me into his presence. Below you'll find my favorite shot of the song, a place of humble worship. 

"...every fear has no place at the sound of Your Great Name
The enemy he has to leave at the sound of Your Great Name

Jesus WORTHY is the Lamb that was slain for US
The Son of God and man You are high and LIFTED UP
And ALL the world will praise Your GREAT NAME

All the weak find their strength at the sound of Your great Name
Hungry souls receive grace at the sound of Your great Name..."

To sum up this "catch up" blog...

I am content. Whatever my circumstances are, He is with me. The name of Jesus is worthy to be praised and lifted up. I can do all things and tackle on what the day throws at me only through Jesus, because He gives me strength. 

Until next time, cheers. 

phiippians 4


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